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How physical exercise can increase male testosterone

Good news, guys, because it absolutely does!

A man exercising with dumbbells.

Testosterone, a hormone predominantly found in males, plays a vital role in various aspects of men's health. It is responsible for regulating muscle mass, bone density, sex drive, mood and overall well-being.

While testosterone levels naturally decline with age, there is evidence to suggest that physical exercise can influence testosterone production. But, what is the reality of the relationship between exercise and testosterone and what are the best exercises to achieve optimal testosterone outcomes in men?

That exercise and testosterone connection

Research has shown that engaging in regular physical activity can have a positive impact on testosterone levels in men. This is because exercise stimulates the endocrine system, promoting the release of hormones, including testosterone. Additionally, physical activity aids in weight management, reducing the risk of obesity, which can contribute to lower testosterone levels.

Moreover, certain exercises, when performed correctly, can trigger the body's natural testosterone production.

It is essential to recognise that the impact of exercise on testosterone levels may vary among individuals. Genetics, age, overall health and lifestyle factors can all influence the response to exercise-induced testosterone changes. Nonetheless, incorporating the right types of exercise into a well-balanced fitness routine can potentially help optimise testosterone levels.

The best exercises to increase testosterone:

Resistance training

Resistance or strength training has been consistently linked to elevated testosterone levels in men. Compound exercises that engage multiple muscle groups are particularly effective. These exercises include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pull-ups, and overhead presses. When performed with proper form and progressively challenging weight, these movements stimulate the body to produce more testosterone.

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT involves alternating short bursts of intense activity with periods of lower-intensity recovery. Studies have shown that HIIT can lead to a temporary spike in testosterone levels post-exercise. Additionally, HIIT has the added benefit of promoting fat loss, which can further support testosterone optimisation.


I am a great fan of running! Sprinting is also another form of high-intensity exercise that has been associated with increased testosterone levels. Short, intense sprints activate the body's fight-or-flight response, leading to a release of testosterone. Regular sprinting can also aid in the development of lean muscle mass and improved cardiovascular health.

Compound bodyweight exercises

Compound bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups, dips and burpees, engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, making them effective for boosting testosterone. These exercises can be easily incorporated into a home workout routine and provide significant benefits when performed with proper intensity and frequency.

A note about rest and recovery

While exercise is crucial for maintaining overall health and testosterone levels, adequate rest and recovery are equally important. Overtraining can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which may negatively impact testosterone production. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to allow the body to recover and optimise hormone levels.

So there you have it - a range of exercises to stimulate testosterone in men.

Physical exercise can influence male testosterone levels positively, as it can also increase energy levels and overall strength. Incorporating resistance training, high-intensity interval training, sprinting and compound bodyweight exercises into a well-rounded fitness routine can aid in optimising testosterone levels. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, sufficient rest and stress management is vital for overall well-being and hormone balance.

It is important, however, to remember that individual responses to exercise may vary, and testosterone optimisation should not be the sole focus of an exercise routine. Instead, my advice would be to emphasise a holistic approach to fitness and health, using exercise as one of the tools to support your well-being.

As with any significant lifestyle change, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional or fitness expert (such as a personal trainer!) before starting a new exercise programme, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns about hormone levels.

With a balanced approach, physical exercise can play a meaningful role in supporting men's health and well-being at any age. So don’t be shy. Regular physical exercise and the benefits it can bring to men (and also to women on other fronts!) are well-established and can improve lives in all sorts of ways.

Contact me to find out more.


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