I am a passionate advocate of using clean techniques when training.
The reason for this is because doing so delivers an effective and worthwhile workout while minimising the risk of injury when exercising.
Some people, particularly when they start training, aim for weight over technique and see exercise as a contest between themselves and the equipment. When people get into this mindset it can then become a constant struggle to up the amount of weight being lifted or the length of the workout undertaken, or about being the biggest and best as quickly as possible on the gym floor.
Which can be a sure and fast road to injury (possibly serious) and frustration.
There is nothing wrong with starting methodically when beginning a gym programme, using light weights, setting achievable targets, and moving forward at a pace that is realistic and supportable. Doing so builds confidence, knowledge, and can unlock the potential lifelong benefits that come from working out.
At the heart of this balanced fitness pathway is the use of clean and proven techniques when training.
How to hold the correct positions concerning hands, feet and joints (minor and major) when working out is something that everyone training should focus on, and which can be different for each exercise. The important thing before starting on a resistance training programme is to undertake research in this regard and to ask for advice from personal trainers or other regular gym-goers.
The challenging aspect of an exercise can also be changed for the better by dropping the amount of weight starting out and by then adding holding poses to strength training exercises once confidence has been built up.
What this means is performing a repetition and then holding the movement at its peak, before reversing it back to its starting point. This focuses the body and mind on the peak of the repetition, where the maximum benefit will accrue from the exercise.
Performing a repetition and holding a pose in this way can also take place without the use of weights; when squatting for example, where the lowest point of the squat is held for three seconds, which will deliver a more powerful and beneficial outcome for the person performing the squat.
Focusing on technique, speed, and pausing the exercise in this way will also ensure that the exercise is safer to deliver.
Working out with a focus on technique, weight and speed builds strength and protects the joints (which is so important in the long term when working out). It is also the smart way of exercising, that balances out the realistic limits of what the body in question can deal with in terms of weight capacity.
Training does not have to a damaging or dangerous. It should build the body and embolden the mind, and the key to this outcome is to exercise using proven training methodology.
That way a fitter future will follow.